HDR 2019
9. December 2019

Ulighed i fokus

I Frankrig, i Hong Kong, i Libanon, herhjemme. Vi ser demonstrationer over hele verden i protest mod økonomisk ulighed, politisk og social ulighed, klimamæssig ulighed. Dét har UNDP sat fokus på i årets Human Development Report.

“The wave of demonstrations sweeping across countries is a clear sign that, for all our progress, something in our globalized society is not working. Different triggers are bringing people onto the streets: the cost of a train ticket, the price of petrol, political demands for independence. A connecting thread, though, is deep and rising frustration with inequalities.”

“Too often, inequality is framed around economics, fed and measured by the notion that making money is the most important thing in life. But societies are creaking under the strain of this assumption, and while people may protest to keep pennies in their pockets, power is the protagonist of this story: the power of the few; the powerlessness of many; and collective power of the people to demand change.”

Sådan skriver Achim Steiner i forordet til rapporten under titlen “Beyond Income, Beyond Averages and Beyond Today. Steiner er chef for UNDP, FN’s Udviklingsorganisation, der har udgivet rapporten siden 1990, og som er en hjørnesten, når det kommer til tal og statistik på verdens udvikling.   

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